Student Success Stories

Ayla F.

Written Course Student

Purchasing PT Exam Prep's PAVC was the best thing I did. The PCE is a hard exam and challenging to prepare for. The PT Prep courses not only gives you the content you need to pass but also gives you lots of ways to apply that information so that you can answer all the challenging questions the exams throw at you.

Student Success Stories

Caylan S.

Written Course Student

I passed the written! Honestly wouldn't have been able to do it without the PT Exam Prep. I had the worst exam experience as I was delayed 2 hours and told at one point I may or may not be able to write my exam. I was not in a good head space starting, but this course gave me the confidence to get through it!

Student Success Stories

Tiffany C.

Clinical Course Student

From beginning to end, I was impressed. Everything was organized, the videos were well done, the practice questions were comparable to the actual exam, it was exactly what I needed to study to pass the written exam. When I did have questions, the live office hours answered them. The staff was very knowledgeable.

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Gurpreet J.
Written Course Student
I am BEYOND excited to say that I have PASSED!!! This feels surreal! I truly feel that I can attribute my passing grade to you guys and your course. It was my 2nd attempt at the exam and, although I’ve always been a good test writer, your course helped me learn the most important info for this specific exam in a well-organized and manageable way. Also, I studied abroad and your course helped fill the gaps when it comes to topics that the CAPR emphasizes versus what they emphasized in my country of study. Overall, this was a tough exam. Much harder than the first one I took in September, even though I was considerably better prepared this time around. It will be interesting to see the average when I get the results in the mail. Thanks again for putting in so much work to create a course to help us reach our goals. I was so discouraged after failing the first time and talking to you on the phone and hearing that I had options going forward really helped me get back on track.
Neha R.
Written Course Student
I passed the exam...yippee !!! There are no words to express how grateful I am to the entire team at PT Prep. What seemed to be a daunting task was made easy and doable with the excellent written coursework and the wonderfully explained videos and webinars. I respect and appreciate the hard work that goes into making PT Prep such a success and I thank u all immensely.
Stephen R.
Written Course Student
I passed! Thank you again for all your help!
Justyna J.
Written Course Student
I was checking the results 100 times because I couldn't believe that I passed :) I'm extremely happy and still in shock :) Thank you for everything ;) It was a great decision to join this course ;) I could not make it without your help, support and motivation.
Michael N.
Clinical Course Student
I passed !!! Thank you very much for all the resources you put together and your help. Very helpful!