The Full Exam Experience
Our 200 question mock exams are developed by our Canadian trained instructors, and cover topics outlined in the PCE blueprint, so you can find out if you’re ready for the PCE.
Our mock exams provide you with detailed feedback, including a breakdown of your scores according to the CAPR’s 2018 blueprint categories so you can assess your readiness and know where to focus your studying.
Learn not only why you got a question right, but why you got one wrong. We provide you clear reasoning for why an answer is correct or incorrect.
Practice like it’s the real thing! Then spend time to review each answer to find out where you need to spend time studying.

- Includes: Mock Exam 1, 2 and 3
- Personalized review section with detailed answers

- 200 vignette style questions
- Personalized review section with detailed answers

- 200 vignette style questions
- Personalized review section with detailed answers

- 200 vignette style questions
- Personalized review section with detailed answers
- CORE PRACTICE AREAS COVERED: Neurological • Ethics • Musculoskeletal • Cardio-Respiratory • Other
- Each mock exam has 200 questions.
- Each mock exam is 480 minutes (8 hours) long:
- 240 minutes (4 hours) to answer vignette-style questions.
- 240 minutes (4 hours) to review question answers and explanations.
- It is recommended that you complete the exam in one sitting to practice your timing.
- During the exam, if you close your internet browser the timer will automatically stop and your questions will be saved.
- Once you submit your answers, you must review your results and question explanations in one sitting.
- You can skip questions and answers can be changed at any time during the exam.
- When you finish, you will receive a confirmation email with your score (broken down by the core practice categories), percentage, duration, and results.
- We typically see candidates who score around 80% go on and pass the PCE. This doesn’t mean those who score lower don’t pass. The key to utilizing our mock exams is to ensure you identify areas of weakness and use our detailed feedback to fill any gaps in your knowledge.
- Each mock exam purchase allows for one attempt.